Chapter 5. Installation
# tar xzf CloudPlatform-VERSION-N-OSVERSION.tar.gz
# cd CloudPlatform-VERSION-N-OSVERSION
# ./install.sh
You should see a few messages as the installer prepares, followed by a list of choices.
4. Choose M to install the Management Server software.
> M
5. When the installation is finished, run the following commands to start essential services:
# service rpcbind start
# service nfs start
# chkconfig nfs on
# chkconfig rpcbind on
6. Configure the database client. Note the absence of the --deploy-as argument in this case. (For
more details about the arguments to this command, see Section, “Install the Database on
a Separate Node”.)
# cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:<dbpassword>@<dbhost> -e <encryption_type> -m
<management_server_key> -k <database_key>
7. (Trial installations only) If you are running the hypervisor on the same machine with the
Management Server, edit /etc/sudoers and add the following line:
Defaults:cloud !requiretty
8. Configure the OS and start the Management Server:
# cloudstack-setup-management
The Management Server on this node should now be running.
9. Repeat these steps on each additional Management Server.
10. Be sure to configure a load balancer for the Management Servers. See Section 5.4.9,
“Management Server Load Balancing”.
11. Continue with Section 5.4.10, “Prepare the System VM Template”.
5.4.9. Management Server Load Balancing
CloudPlatform can use a load balancer to provide a virtual IP for multiple Management Servers. The
administrator is responsible for creating the load balancer rules for the Management Servers. The
application requires persistence or stickiness across multiple sessions. The following chart lists the
ports that should be load balanced and whether or not persistence is required.
Even if persistence is not required, enabling it is permitted.