Chapter 11. Bare Metal Installation
You should see a few messages as the installer prepares, followed by a list of choices.
4. Choose “B” to install the software that is needed for bare metal.
> B
5. Run the bare metal setup script.
# cloudstack-setup-baremetal
6. Make note of the TFTP root directory that is displayed by this script. You will need it later.
11.3.5. Set Up a File Server
The kickstart bare metal image and kickstart file will be stored on an NFS file server. The following
steps tell how to set up the NFS server for use with CloudPlatform bare metal hosts.
This short step-by-step section doesn't attempt to cover all the intricacies of setting up an NFS
server. As you go through these steps, keep in mind that this is just a quick checklist. If at any
point you find yourself thinking "there ought to be more options available" or "I wonder if wildcards
are allowed," please check the Internet and the documentation for the particular type of NFS
server you are using.
1. Set up the NFS configuration file /etc/exports. This file contains list of entries that describe the
shared directories. Each entry specifies which hosts can access the directory, and under what
The entry for a shared directory follows one of these formats:
# Simple listing of hosts, with no options. Default settings are used.
directory host1 host2
# Options are specified to override access permissions and other settings.
directory host1(option1, option2) host2(option3, option4)
• directory - the directory to be shared; for example, Share\Baremetal_Backup
• host1, host2 - clients that have access to the directory, listed by fully qualified domain name,
hostname, or IP address
• option1, option2, etc. - the conditions that restrict the hosts's access to the directory (all are
• ro: read only access to directory
• rw: read and write access to directory
• no_root_squash: root on client have same level of access to files as root on server
• no_subtree_check: only part of volume is exported