Chapter 7. Steps to Provisioning Your Cloud Infrastructure
For all additional hosts to be added to the cluster, run the following command. This will cause the host
to join the master in a XenServer pool.
# xe pool-join master-address=[master IP] master-username=root master-password=[your
When copying and pasting a command, be sure the command has pasted as a single line before
executing. Some document viewers may introduce unwanted line breaks in copied text.
With all hosts added to the XenServer pool, run the cloud-setup-bond script. This script will complete
the configuration and setup of the bonds on the new hosts in the cluster.
1. Copy the script from the Management Server in /usr/share/cloudstack-common/scripts/vm/
hypervisor/xenserver/cloud-setup-bonding.sh to the master host and ensure it is executable.
2. Run the script:
# ./cloud-setup-bonding.sh KVM Host Additional Requirements
• If shared mountpoint storage is in use, the administrator should ensure that the new host has all the
same mountpoints (with storage mounted) as the other hosts in the cluster.
• Make sure the new host has the same network configuration (guest, private, and public network) as
other hosts in the cluster. OVM Host Additional Requirements
Before adding a used host in CloudPlatform, as part of the cleanup procedure on the host, be sure to
remove /etc/ovs-agent/db/. Adding a XenServer, KVM, or OVM Host
1. If you have not already done so, install the hypervisor software on the host. You will need to
know which version of the hypervisor software version is supported by CloudPlatform and what
additional configuration is required to ensure the host will work with CloudPlatform. To find these
installation details, see the appropriate section for your hypervisor in the CloudPlatform Installation
2. Log in to the CloudPlatform UI as administrator.
3. In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure. In Zones, click View More, then click the zone in
which you want to add the host.
4. Click the Compute tab. In the Clusters node, click View All.
5. Click the cluster where you want to add the host.
6. Click View Hosts.