Supported AWS API Calls
EC2 command SOAP / REST call CloudPlatform API call
Known issue: The
CloudPlatform device ID of
0, which represents a root
volume, does not map to
any EC2 device name to be
returned in the command
Table 15.7. Keys Pairs
EC2 command SOAP / REST call CloudPlatform API call
ec2-add-keypair CreateKeyPair createSSHKeyPair
ec2-delete-keypair DeleteKeyPair deleteSSHKeyPair
ec2-describe-keypairs DescribeKeyPairs listSSHKeyPairs
ec2-import-keypair ImportKeyPair registerSSHKeyPair
Table 15.8. Passwords
EC2 command SOAP / REST call CloudPlatform API call
ec2-get-password GetPasswordData getVMPassword
Table 15.9. Security Groups
EC2 command SOAP / REST call CloudPlatform API call
ec2-authorize AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress authorizeSecurityGroupIngress
ec2-add-group CreateSecurityGroup createSecurityGroup
ec2-delete-group DeleteSecurityGroup deleteSecurityGroup
ec2-describe-group DescribeSecurityGroups listSecurityGroups
ec2-revoke RevokeSecurityGroupIngress revokeSecurityGroupIngress
Table 15.10. Snapshots
EC2 command SOAP / REST call CloudPlatform API call
ec2-create-snapshot CreateSnapshot createSnapshot
ec2-delete-snapshot DeleteSnapshot deleteSnapshot
ec2-describe-snapshots DescribeSnapshots listSnapshots
Table 15.11. Volumes
EC2 command SOAP / REST call CloudPlatform API call
ec2-attach-volume AttachVolume attachVolume
ec2-create-volume CreateVolume createVolume
ec2-delete-volume DeleteVolume deleteVolume
ec2-describe-volume DescribeVolumes listVolumes
ec2-detach-volume DetachVolume detachVolume
Table 15.12. Resource Tags
EC2 command SOAP / REST call CloudPlatform API call
ec2-create-tags CreateTags Add tags to one or more