Chapter 4. Upgrade Instructions
XenServer or KVM:
SSH in by using the link local IP address of the system VM. For example, in the command
below, substitute your own path to the private key used to log in to the system VM and your
own link local IP.
Run the following commands on the XenServer or KVM host on which the system VM is
# ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.cloud <link-local-ip> -p 3922
# cat /etc/cloudstack-release
The output should be like the following:
Cloudstack Release 4.2 Mon Aug 12 15:10:04 PST 2013
SSH in using the private IP address of the system VM. For example, in the command below,
substitute your own path to the private key used to log in to the system VM and your own
private IP.
Run the following commands on the Management Server:
# ssh -i /var/cloudstack/management/.ssh/id_rsa <private-ip> -p 3922
# cat /etc/cloudstack-release
The output should be like the following:
Cloudstack Release 4.2 Mon Aug 12 15:10:04 PST 2012
21. (XenServer only) If needed, upgrade all Citrix XenServer hypervisor hosts in your cloud to
a version supported by CloudPlatform 4.2 and apply any required hotfixes. Instructions for
upgrading and applying hotfixes can be found in Section 4.4, “Upgrading and Hotfixing XenServer
Hypervisor Hosts”.
22. (VMware only) If your existing cloud includes any deployed data centers, you should set the global
configuration setting vmware.create.full.clone to false. Then restart the Management Server. For
information about how to set vmware.create.full.clone, see Section 5.5, “Setting Configuration
Parameters”. For information about how CloudPlatform supports full and linked clones, see
“Configuring Usage of Linked Clones on VMware” in the CloudPlatform Administration Guide.