Chapter 7. Steps to Provisioning Your Cloud Infrastructure
• Pod. (Visible only if you choose Cluster in the Scope field.) The pod for the storage device.
• Cluster. (Visible only if you choose Cluster in the Scope field.) The cluster for the storage
• Name. The name of the storage device
• Protocol. For XenServer, choose either NFS, iSCSI, or PreSetup. For KVM, choose NFS or
SharedMountPoint. For vSphere choose either VMFS (iSCSI or FiberChannel) or NFS
• Server (for NFS, iSCSI, or PreSetup). The IP address or DNS name of the storage device
• Server (for VMFS). The IP address or DNS name of the vCenter server.
• Path (for NFS). In NFS this is the exported path from the server.
• Path (for VMFS). In vSphere this is a combination of the datacenter name and the datastore
name. The format is "/" datacenter name "/" datastore name. For example, "/cloud.dc.VM/
• Path (for SharedMountPoint). With KVM this is the path on each host that is where this primary
storage is mounted. For example, "/mnt/primary".
• SR Name-Label (for PreSetup). Enter the name-label of the SR that has been set up outside
• Target IQN (for iSCSI). In iSCSI this is the IQN of the target. For example,
• Lun # (for iSCSI). In iSCSI this is the LUN number. For example, 3.
• Tags (optional). The comma-separated list of tags for this storage device. It should be an
equivalent set or superset of the tags on your disk offerings
The tag sets on primary storage across clusters in a Zone must be identical. For example, if
cluster A provides primary storage that has tags T1 and T2, all other clusters in the Zone must
also provide primary storage that has tags T1 and T2.
7. Click OK.
7.8. Adding Secondary Storage
Be sure there is nothing stored on the server. Adding the server to CloudPlatform will destroy any
existing data.
When you create a new zone, the first secondary storage is added as part of that procedure. You can
add secondary storage servers at any time to add more servers to an existing zone.
1. To prepare for the zone-based Secondary Staging Store, you should have created and mounted
an NFS share during Management Server installation.
2. Make sure you prepared the system VM template during Management Server installation.