Chapter 5. Installation
Field Field Value
Keep the corresponding
notification threshold lower
than this value to be notified
cluster cpu.overprovisioning.factor Used for CPU over-
provisioning calculation;
the available CPU will be
the mathematical product
of actualCpuCapacity and
cluster mem.overprovisioning.factor Used for memory over-
provisioning calculation.
cluster vmware.reserve.cpu Specify whether or not to
reserve CPU when not over-
provisioning; In case of CPU
over-provisioning, CPU is
always reserved.
cluster vmware.reserve.mem Specify whether or not to
reserve memory when not
over-provisioning; In case of
memory over-provisioning
memory is always reserved.
zone pool.storage.allocated.capacity.disablethresholdThe percentage, as a value
between 0 and 1, of allocated
storage utilization above which
allocators will disable that pool
because the available allocated
storage is below the threshold.
zone pool.storage.capacity.disablethresholdThe percentage, as a value
between 0 and 1, of storage
utilization above which
allocators will disable the pool
because the available storage
capacity is below the threshold.
zone storage.overprovisioning.factor Used for storage over-
provisioning calculation;
available storage will be
the mathematical product
of actualStorageSize and
zone network.throttling.rate Default data transfer rate in
megabits per second allowed in
a network.
zone guest.domain.suffix Default domain name for VMs
inside a virtual networks with a
zone router.template.xen Name of the default router
template on Xenserver.