Upgrade from 2.2.x to 4.2
Starting in 3.0.2, the usage record format for IP addresses is the same as the rest of the usage
types. Instead of a single record with the assignment and release dates, separate records are
generated per aggregation period with start and end dates. After upgrading to 4.2, any existing IP
address usage records in the old format will no longer be available.
2. If you are using version 2.2.0 - 2.2.13, first upgrade to 2.2.14 by using the instructions in the
2.2.14 Release Notes
(KVM only) If KVM hypervisor is used in your cloud, be sure you completed the step to insert
a valid username and password into the host_details table on each KVM node as described
in the 2.2.14 Release Notes. This step is critical, as the database will be encrypted after the
upgrade to 4.2.
3. While running the 2.2.x system (which by this step should be at version 2.2.14 or greater), log in to
the UI as root administrator.
4. Using the UI, add a new System VM template for each hypervisor type that is used in your cloud.
In each zone, add a system VM template for each hypervisor used in that zone.
You might notice that the size of the system VM template has increased compared to
previous CloudPlatform versions. This is because the new version of the underlying Debian
template has an increased disk size.
a. In the left navigation bar, click Templates.
b. In Select view, click Templates.
c. Click Register template.
The Register template dialog box is displayed.
d. In the Register template dialog box, specify the following values depending on the hypervisor
type (do not change these):
Hypervisor Description
XenServer Name: systemvm-xenserver-4.2
Description: systemvm-xenserver-4.2
URL: http://download.cloud.com/templates/4.2/