Chapter 4. Upgrade Instructions
• (Optional) For database_key, substitute the default key that is used to encrypt confidential
parameters in the CloudPlatform database. Default: password. It is highly recommended that
you replace this with a more secure value.
15. Repeat steps 9 - 14 on every management server node. If you provided your own encryption key
in step 14, use the same key on all other management servers.
16. Start the first Management Server. Do not start any other Management Server nodes yet.
# service cloudstack-management start
Wait until the databases are upgraded. Ensure that the database upgrade is complete. After
confirmation, start the other Management Servers one at a time by running the same command on
each node.
17. Start all Usage Servers (if they were running on your previous version). Perform this on each
Usage Server host.
# service cloudstack-usage start
18. (KVM only) Additional steps are required for each KVM host. These steps will not affect running
guests in the cloud. These steps are required only for clouds using KVM as hosts and only on the
KVM hosts.
After the software upgrade on a KVM machine, the Ctrl+Alt+Del button on the console view of
a VM doesn't work. Use Ctrl+Alt+Insert to log in to the console of the VM.
a. Copy the CloudPlatform 4.2 .tgz download to the host, untar it, and cd into the resulting
b. Stop the running agent.
# service cloud-agent stop
c. Update the agent software.
# ./install.sh
d. Choose "U" to update the packages.
e. Edit /etc/cloudstack/agent/agent.properties to change the resource parameter
from com.cloud.agent.resource.computing.LibvirtComputingResource to
f. Upgrade all the existing bridge names to new bridge names by running this script:
# cloudstack-agent-upgrade