Management Server Installation
2.1.x 2.2.x
VMware ESX 5 and vCenter 5 No No
5.4. Management Server Installation
5.4.1. Management Server Installation Overview
This section describes installing the Management Server. There are two slightly different installation
flows, depending on how many Management Server nodes will be in your cloud:
• A single Management Server node, with MySQL on the same node.
• Multiple Management Server nodes, with MySQL on a node separate from the Management
In either case, each machine must meet the system requirements described in System Requirements.
For the sake of security, be sure the public Internet can not access port 8096 or port 8250 on the
Management Server.
The procedure for installing the Management Server is:
1. Prepare the Operating System
2. Install the First Management Server
3. Install and Configure the MySQL database
4. Prepare NFS Shares
5. Prepare and Start Additional Management Servers (optional)
6. Prepare the System VM Template
5.4.2. Prepare the Operating System
The OS must be prepared to host the Management Server using the following steps. These steps
must be performed on each Management Server node.
1. Log in to your OS as root.
2. Check for a fully qualified hostname.
# hostname --fqdn
This should return a fully qualified hostname such as "managament1.lab.example.org". If it does
not, edit /etc/hosts so that it does.
3. Set SELinux to be permissive by default.
a. Check to see whether SELinux is installed on your machine. If not, you can skip to step 4.