Chapter 7. Steps to Provisioning Your Cloud Infrastructure
7.2. Adding Regions (optional)
Grouping your cloud resources into geographic regions is an optional step when provisioning the
cloud. For an overview of regions, see Section 3.1, “About Regions”.
7.2.1. The First Region: The Default Region
If you do not take action to define regions, then all the zones in your cloud will be automatically
grouped into a single default region. This region is assigned the region ID of 1. You can change the
name or URL of the default region by displaying the region in the CloudPlatform UI and clicking the
Edit button.
7.2.2. Adding a Region
Use these steps to add a second region in addition to the default region.
1. Each region has its own CloudPlatform instance. Therefore, the first step of creating a new
region is to install the Management Server software, on one or more nodes, in the geographic
area where you want to set up the new region. Use the steps in the Installation guide. When
you come to the step where you set up the database, use the additional command-line flag -r
<region_id> to set a region ID for the new region. The default region is automatically assigned
a region ID of 1, so your first additional region might be region 2.
cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:<dbpassword>@localhost --deploy-as=root:<password> -e
<encryption_type> -m <management_server_key> -k <database_key> -r <region_id>
2. By the end of the installation procedure, the Management Server should have been started. Be
sure that the Management Server installation was successful and complete.