Add the PXE Server and DHCP Server to Your Deployment
3. Click the Compute and Storage tab. In Clusters, click View All, then click the name of the bare
metal cluster you added earlier.
4. Click View Hosts.
5. Click the Add Host button.
The Add Host dialog will appear.
6. In the Add Host dialog, make the following choices:
• Host name. The IPMI IP address of the machine.
• Username. User name you set for IPMI.
• Password. Password you set for IPMI.
• # CPU Cores. Number of CPUs on the machine.
• CPU (in MHz). Frequency of CPU.
• Memory (in MB). Memory capacity of the new host.
• Host MAC. MAC address of the PXE NIC.
• Host Tags. Set to large. You will use this tag later when you create the service offering.
It may take a minute for the host to be provisioned. It should automatically display in the UI.
Repeat for additional bare metal hosts.
11.3.14. Add the PXE Server and DHCP Server to Your Deployment
As part of describing your deployment to CloudPlatform, you will need to add the PXE server and
DHCP server that you created in Section 11.3.4, “Install the PXE and DHCP Servers”.
1. Log in as admin to the CloudPlatform UI.
2. In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure. In Zones, click View All, then click the zone in which
you want to add the Bare metal PXE / DHCP server.
3. Click the Physical Network tab. Click the Physical Network entry.
4. In the Network node, click Network Service Providers Configure.
5. In the list of Network service providers, clik Baremetal PXE. In the Details node, click Add
Baremetal PXE Device.
The Add Baremetal PXE Device dialog will appear.
6. In the Add Baremetal PXE Device dialog, make the following choices:
• URL: http://<PXE DHCP server IP address>
• Username: login username
• Password: password
• Tftp root directory: /var/lib/tftpboot