Configuring a VMware Datacenter with VMware Distributed Virtual Switch
• The Public Traffic vSwitch Type field when you add a VMware VDS-enabled cluster.
• The switch name in the traffic label while updating the switch type in a zone.
Traffic label format in the last case is [["Name of vSwitch/dvSwitch/EthernetPortProfile"][,"VLAN
ID"[,"vSwitch Type"]]]
The possible values for traffic labels are:
• empty string
• dvSwitch0
• dvSwitch0,200
• dvSwitch1,300,vmwaredvs
• myEthernetPortProfile,,nexusdvs
• dvSwitch0,,vmwaredvs
Fields Name Description
1 Represents the name of the
virtual / distributed virtual
switch at vCenter.
The default value depends on
the type of virtual switch:
vSwitch0: If type of virtual
switch is VMware vNetwork
Standard virtual switch
dvSwitch0: If type of virtual
switch is VMware vNetwork
Distributed virtual switch
epp0: If type of virtual switch is
Cisco Nexus 1000v Distributed
virtual switch
2 VLAN ID to be used for this
traffic wherever applicable.
This field would be used for
only public traffic as of now. In
case of guest traffic this field