Adding a Host (vSphere)
7. Click Add Host.
8. Provide the following information.
• Host Name. The DNS name or IP address of the host.
• Username. Usually root.
• Password. This is the password for the user named above (from your XenServer, KVM, or OVM
• Host Tags (Optional). Any labels that you use to categorize hosts for ease of maintenance. For
example, you can set to the cloud's HA tag (set in the ha.tag global configuration parameter) if
you want this host to be used only for VMs with the "high availability" feature enabled. For more
information, see HA-Enabled Virtual Machines as well as HA for Hosts.
There may be a slight delay while the host is provisioned. It should automatically display in the UI.
9. Repeat for additional hosts.
7.6.2. Adding a Host (vSphere)
For vSphere servers, we recommend creating the cluster of hosts in vCenter and then adding the
entire cluster to CloudPlatform. See Add Cluster: vSphere.
7.7. Adding Primary Storage
When using preallocated storage for primary storage, be sure there is nothing on the storage (ex.
you have an empty SAN volume or an empty NFS share). Adding the storage to CloudPlatform
will destroy any existing data.
When you create a new zone, the first primary storage is added as part of that procedure. You can
add primary storage servers at any time, such as when adding a new cluster or adding more servers
to an existing cluster.
1. Log in to the CloudPlatform UI.
2. In the left navigation, choose Infrastructure. In Zones, click View All, then click the zone in which
you want to add the primary storage.
3. Click the Compute and Storage tab.
4. In the Primary Storage node of the diagram, click View All.
5. Click Add Primary Storage.
6. Provide the following information in the dialog. The information required varies depending on your
choice in Protocol.
• Scope. Indicate whether the storage is available to all hosts in the zone or only to hosts in a
single cluster.