Chapter 10. Installing VMware for CloudPlatform
10.1.3. vCenter Server requirements:
• Processor - 2 CPUs 2.0GHz or higher Intel or AMD x86 processors. Processor requirements may be
higher if the database runs on the same machine.
• Memory - 3GB RAM. RAM requirements may be higher if your database runs on the same machine.
• Disk storage - 2GB. Disk requirements may be higher if your database runs on the same machine.
• Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express disk requirements. The bundled database requires up to 2GB
free disk space to decompress the installation archive.
• Networking - 1Gbit or 10Gbit.
For more information, see "vCenter Server and the vSphere Client Hardware Requirements" at http://
10.1.4. Other requirements:
• VMware vCenter Standard Edition must be installed and available to manage the vSphere hosts.
• vCenter must be configured to use the standard port 443 so that it can communicate with the
CloudPlatform Management Server.
• You must re-install VMware ESXi if you are going to re-use a host from a previous install.
• CloudPlatform requires VMware vSphere 5.0 or 5.1. VMware vSphere 4.0 and 4.1 are not
• All hosts must be 64-bit and must support HVM (Intel-VT or AMD-V enabled). All hosts within a
cluster must be homogenous. That means the CPUs must be of the same type, count, and feature
• The CloudPlatform management network must not be configured as a separate virtual network. The
CloudPlatform management network is the same as the vCenter management network, and will
inherit its configuration. See Section 10.5.2, “Configure vCenter Management Network”.
• CloudPlatform requires ESXi. ESX is not supported.
• All resources used for CloudPlatform must be used for CloudPlatform only. CloudPlatform cannot
share instance of ESXi or storage with other management consoles. Do not share the same
storage volumes that will be used by CloudPlatform with a different set of ESXi servers that are not
managed by CloudPlatform.
• Put all target ESXi hypervisors in a cluster in a separate Datacenter in vCenter.
• The cluster that will be managed by CloudPlatform should not contain any VMs. Do not run the
management server, vCenter or any other VMs on the cluster that is designated for CloudPlatform
use. Create a separate cluster for use of CloudPlatform and make sure that they are no VMs in this
• All the required VLANS must be trunked into all network switches that are connected to the ESXi
hypervisor hosts. These would include the VLANS for Management, Storage, vMotion, and guest
VLANs. The guest VLAN (used in Advanced Networking; see Network Setup) is a contiguous range
of VLANs that will be managed by CloudPlatform.