Chapter 11. Bare Metal Installation
• rpc.lockd
• rpc.rquotad
11.3.6. Create a Bare Metal Image
Create an image which can be installed on bare metal hosts later, when bare metal instances are
provisioned in your cloud. On the NFS file server, create a folder and put a PXE bootable kernel and
initrd in it. For example:
# mkdir –p /home/centos63
# cp iso_mount_path_to_centos63/images/pxeboot/{ initrd.img, vmlinuz } /home/centos63
For Ubuntu:
11.3.7. Create a Bare Metal Compute Offering
1. Log in as admin to the CloudPlatform UI at the URL below. Substitute the IP address of your own
Management Server:
2. In the left navigation bar, click Service Offerings.
3. In Select Offering, choose Compute Offerings.
4. Click Add compute offering.
5. In the dialog box, fill in these values:
• Name. Any desired name for the service offering.
• Description. A short description of the offering that can be displayed to users.
• Storage Type. Shared.
• # of CPU Cores. Use the same value as when you added the host.
• CPU (in MHZ). Use the same value as when you added the host.
• Memory (in MB). Use the same value as when you added the host.
• Offer HA. Unchecked. High availability services are not supported for bare metal hosts.
• Storage Tags.
• Host Tags. Any tags that you want to use to organize your hosts. For example, "large"
• Public? Yes.
6. Click OK.