Intel Customer Support Common System Configuration Issues using Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver 20
8.11 Windows NT 4.0 SCSI Adapters 'Drivers' Tab Indicates 'Not
The 'Drivers' tab within the SCSI Adapters applet in Windows NT 4.0 will indicate that the driver
is 'Not Started' as illustrated in the following image:
This is a known issue with version 5.0 of the Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver. The text should
read "Intel Ultra ATA Controller [Started]. As long as the 'Devices' tab within the SCSI Adapters
applet indicates 'IntelATA' or 'Intel Ultra ATA Controller,' the driver is installed correctly.
This known issue along with a workaround is included in Section 8 of the Release Notes
document that is located at the following web site: