Intel Customer Support Common System Configuration Issues using IntelĀ® Ultra ATA Storage Driver 11
5. Troubleshooting
After installing the IntelĀ® Chipset Software Installation Utility for Intel chipsets, certain
symptoms may be seen depending on the system configuration. The following sections detail
each of these symptoms as well as possible causes and resolutions.
5.1 Symptom: System Locks Up During Restart
: System lockup can occur during Restart as a result of several possible system
issues. In the event of a system lockup, restart the machine and view Device Manager. If the
devices listed under Hard Disk Controllers are listed properly and the system experiences no
further problems, then the .INF file restore process was successful. If the devices are not
configured correctly, try rerunning the Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility Setup program
5.2 Symptom: After Reboot, Windows* Cannot Find ESDI_506.PDR File
After running the Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility setup program and rebooting the
system, Windows* reports that it cannot find the ESDI_506.pdr file.
: Click the 'Browse' button in the dialog box where this error occurs and locate the
X:\Windows\System\IOSubsys directory and click on the 'OK' button. (X:\ is the hard drive letter
where Windows is installed. ie. C:\) The system should be able to locate this file in this directory
and continue re-enumerating for the new devices.
5.3 Symptom: After Reboot, Windows Cannot Find UHCD.SYS,
After running the Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility setup program and rebooting the
system, Windows reports that it cannot find one of the following files:
: Click the 'Browse' button in the dialog box where this error occurs and locate the
X:\Windows\System32\drivers directory and click on the 'OK' button. (X:\ is the hard drive letter
where Windows is installed. ie. C:\) The system should be able to locate this file in this directory
and continue re-enumerating for the new devices.
5.4 Symptom: After Reboot, Windows Cannot Find ISAPNP.VXD File
After running the Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility setup program and rebooting the
system, Windows* reports that it cannot find the isapnp.vxd file.
: Click the 'Browse' button in the dialog box where this error occurs and locate the
X:\Windows\System directory and click on the 'OK' button. (X:\ is the hard drive letter where
Windows is installed. ie. C:\) The system should be able to locate this file in this directory and
continue re-enumerating for the new devices.