Intel Customer Support Common System Configuration Issues using Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver 12
6. Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver
6.1 Description
The Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver enables fast Ultra ATA transfers for a variety of
ATA/ATAPI storage devices such as hard drives and CD-ROMs. When configured properly with
other elements of your system, the driver has been architected to take advantage of the latest
Intel Ultra ATA controller features to improve both storage subsystem performance and overall
system performance. Driver installation is fully automated for Microsoft* Windows* 98, Windows
98 Second Edition (SE), Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Windows 2000, and Windows NT*
4.0 (with any Service Pack). Also included is the Intel® Ultra ATA Companion, a useful
diagnostic tool that can be used to view technical details of the ATA subsystem.
6.2 Do You Need the Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver?
The Intel® Ultra ATA Storage Driver is designed to take advantage of devices supporting ATA
DMA/Ultra DMA technologies and improve system performance. It is not a requirement for your
operating system to work properly. The Intel Ultra ATA Storage Driver was created for users
with a specific system configuration:
• System based on the Intel® 810, Intel® 810E, Intel® 810E2, Intel® 815, Intel®
815E, Intel® 815EP, Intel® 815P, Intel® 820, Intel® 820E, Intel® 840, Intel® 850,
or Intel® 860 chipsets
• Using Windows* 98, Windows 98 Second Edition (SE), Windows Millennium Edition
(Me), Windows 2000, or Windows NT* 4.0 (any Service Pack)
7.0 Option for Users with Windows* 95 and/or Intel® 440xx/430xx
If you have retail Windows* 95 (4.00.950), Windows 95 Service Release 1 (4.00.950a), and/or
one of the following Intel® chipsets: 440BX/LX/EX/GX/FX 430FX/VX/HX/TX, you can obtain
the Intel® Bus Master IDE driver. The Intel Bus Master IDE driver supports a maximum transfer
mode of Ultra ATA/33 and it does not have a Companion diagnostic tool. The Intel Bus Master
IDE driver is available at the following Intel web site:
Troubleshooting information on the Intel Bus Master IDE driver can be found at the following
Intel web site:
There is a troubleshooting document available at the above web site that also covers how to
enable Bus Mastering using the native Microsoft drivers for users with Windows 95 OSR 2.0 or
later (4.00.950b or 4.00.950c) and Windows 98.