Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline Temperature Transmitters
Mechanical Parts • All mechanical hardware is interchangeable among units without regard
to model numbers.
• Nameplates are interchangeable only among units that share the same
input types (i.e. RTD, Thermocouple, or Millivolt).
Electrical Parts • Amplifier Board: Interchangeable among Models 444T and 444M.
• Output Board: 444T series (TE, TJ, TK, TT, TR, TS) and 444MV share a
common output board.
• Range Board: Interchangeable among units of the same input code (e.g.,
Burnout Protection
The Model 444T series (TE, TJ, TK, TT, TR, TS) and Model 444MV have a
resistor network that drives the output either upscale or downscale if an open
occurs in the input circuit. This option is identified in the model number. To
convert from upscale to downscale, disassemble the circuit board assembly and
remove R3 (22 meg, ¼WCC resistor) from the range board. To convert from
downscale to upscale, replace R3. If no burnout protection is desired (as in some
instances where the source has a high input impedance), remove both R2 and
R3. See Figure 3-3, on page 3-6.
Model 444RL has a jumper on the range board to select burnout protection.
Placing the jumper in the “U” position will cause the output to be driven upscale
if the RTD opens. If the jumper is in the “D” position the output will be driven
downscale. See Figure 3-1, on page 3-3. Models 444LL and 444LM have inherent
upscale burnout protection that cannot be changed. Model 444RL also has a
jumper on the range board to specify mA output at the transmitter test
terminals. Setting the jumper at the “V” position produces a 40–200 mV output
at the test terminals. Setting the jumper at the “A” position produces a
4–20 mA output at the test terminals. See Figure 3-1, on page 3-4.
Repair and warranty service is available through the Rosemount Regional
Service Centers. Submit damage claims directly to the carrier.
To expedite the return process, call the Rosemount North American Response
Center toll-free at 800-654-RSMT (7768). This center, available 24 hours a day,
will assist you with any needed information or materials.
The center will ask for product model and serial numbers, and will provide a
Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. The center will also ask for the
name of the process material the product was last exposed to.
The Rosemount North American Response Center will detail the additional
information and procedures necessary to return goods exposed to hazardous
Exposure to hazardous substances can cause death or
serious injury. If a hazardous substance is identified, a
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), required by law to be
available to people exposed to specific hazardous
substances, must be included with the returned materials.