Assemble the countershaft and driveshaft in the reverse order of
disassembly. Pay attention to the following points:
* Rotate the bearings by hand to inspect for smooth rotation.
Replace the bearings if there is anything unusual.
* Before installing the gears, apply engine oil to the driveshaft
and countershaft.
* When installing the oil seal, apply SUZUKI SUPER GREASE
“A” to it.
99000-25010: SUZUKI SUPER GREASE “A”
(or equivalent grease)
When reassembling the transmission, attention must be given to
the locations and positions of washers and snap rings. The
cross sectional view shows the correct position of the gears,
bushings, washers and snap rings. (
• When installing a new snap ring, pay attention to its direction.
Fit it to the side where the thrust is as shown in the illustration.
A Thrust
B Sharp edge
* Never reuse a snap ring. After a snap ring has been
removed from a shaft, it should be discarded and a
new snap ring must be installed.
* When installing a new snap ring, do not expand the
end gap larger than required to slip the snap ring
over the shaft.
* After installing a snap ring, make sure that it is com-
pletely seated in its groove and securely fitted.
When installing the gear bushing onto the counter-
shaft 1 and driveshaft 2, align the shaft oil hole 3
with the bushing oil hole 4.