• Cool down the new valve guides in a freezer for about one
hour and heat the cylinder head to 100 °C – 150 °C (212 °F –
302 °F) with a hot plate.
• Apply engine oil to the valve guide hole.
• Drive the valve guide into the hole using the valve guide
installer 1 and attachment 2.
09916-43211: Valve guide installer/remover
09916-44930: Attachment
09916-53330: Attachment
Install the valve guide until the attachment
contacts with the
cylinder head
A: 14.1 mm (0.555 in) (IN)
13.2 mm (0.520 in) (EX)
• After installing the valve guides, re-finish their guiding bores
using the reamer.
• Clean and oil the guides after reaming.
09916-33210: Valve guide reamer
09916-34542: Reamer handle
* Be sure to cool down the cylinder head to ambient air temper-
* Insert the reamer from the combustion chamber and always
turn the reamer handle clockwise.
• Visually check for valve seat width on each valve face.
• If the valve face has worn abnormally, replace the valve.
• Coat the valve seat with Prussian Blue and set the valve in
place. Rotate the valve with light pressure.
• Check that the transferred blue on the valve face is uniform all
around and in center of the valve face.
09916-10911: Valve lapper set
Do not use a burner to heat the valve guide hole to
prevent cylinder head distortion.
Failure to oil the valve guide hole before driving the
new guide into place may result in a damaged guide or