• With the crankshaft, right-side thrust bearing and left-side
thrust bearing inserted in the upper crankcase, measure the
thrust clearance on the left side by using the thickness gauge.
L: Left-side thrust bearing
R: Right-side thrust bearing
Pull the crankshaft to the generator side, so that there is no
clearance on the right-side thrust bearing.
Thrust clearance:
Standard: 0.055 – 0.110 mm (0.0022 – 0.0043 in)
09900-20803: Thickness gauge
• If the thrust clearance exceeds the standard range, adjust the
thrust clearance by the following procedures.
• Remove the right-side thrust bearing and measure its thick-
ness with a micrometer.
• If the thickness of the right-side thrust bearing is below stan-
dard, replace it with a new one and once again perform the
thrust clearance measurement listed above, checking to
make sure it is within standard.
Right-side thrust bearing thickness:
Standard: 2.425 – 2.450 mm (0.0955 – 0.0965 in)
09900-20205: Micrometer (0 – 25 mm)
• If the right-side thrust bearing is within the standard range,
reinsert the right-side thrust bearing and remove the left-side
thrust bearing.
• As shown in the illustration, measure the clearance by using a
thickness gauge before inserting the left-side thrust bearing.
09900-20803: Thickness gauge
• Select a left-side thrust bearing from the selection table.