Is the voltage OK?
3) After repairing the trouble, clear the DTC using SDS tool.
• Lg wire open or shorted to ground, or poor x
connection (#1 cylinder side)
• Lg/W wire open or shorted to ground, or poor w
connection (#2 cylinder side)
• Lg/G wire open or shorted to ground, or poor v
connection (#3 cylinder side)
• Lg/BI wire open or shorted to ground, or poor u
connection (#4 cylinder side)
• If wire and connection are OK, intermittent trou-
ble or faulty ECM.
• Recheck each terminal and wire harness for
open circuit and poor connection.
• Replace the ECM with a known good one, and
inspect it again.
NO Open circuit in the Y/R wire.
When using the multi-circuit tester, do not storongly
touch the terminal of the ECM coupler with a needle
pointed tester probe to prevent the terminal damage
or terminal bend.
ECM couplers (Harness side)
(Black) (Gray)