2.16 How to Select the Range Scale
The selected range scale and range ring interval are shown at the top-left position on
the screen. When a target of interest comes closer, reduce the range scale so that it
appears in 50-90% of the display radius.
Note: The IMO- and A-type radars do not have the 1 NM, 2 NM, 4 NM, 8 NM, 16 NM,
32 NM and 120 NM ranges.
How to select a range scale from the Control Unit
Use the RANGE key to select range desired. Hit the "+" part of the key to raise the
range; the "-" part to lower the range.
How to select a range scale from the Range/Presentation mode box
Method 1: Click the range scale indication.
Method 2: Click the range selection buttons. Click the "+" button to raise the range;
the "-" button to lower the range.
Method 3: Right-click the range scale indication to show a drop-down list of available
ranges then click a range.
2.17 How to Measure the Range to a Target
The range to a target may be measured three ways: with the fixed range rings, with
the cursor, or with the VRM.
Use the range rings to obtain a rough estimate of the range to a target. They are the
concentric solid circles about own ship, or the sweep origin. The number of rings is
automatically determined by the selected range scale and their interval is displayed in
the Range/Presentation mode box at the top-left position on the screen. Count the
number of rings between the center of the display and the target. Check the range ring
interval and judge the distance of the echo from the inner edge of the nearest ring.
The range rings can be turned on/off with [RANGE RING] on the [NAV TOOL] menu.
Range scale
Range ring interval
Range selection