2. Select [1 NAV STATUS] then use the scrollwheel to set the applicable two-digit
nav status code, referring to the table below.
3. Select [2 ETA] then use the scrollwheel to enter ETA: day (two digits), month (two
digits), year (four digits) and time (four digits).
4. Select [3 DESTINATION] then use the software keyboard to enter the name of
your destination, using a maximum of 20 characters.
5. Select [4 DRAUGHT] then use the scrollwheel to enter ship's draft (0.0 - 25.5 (m)).
6. Select [5 CREW] then use the scrollwheel to enter the number of crew (0000-
7. Close the menu.
4.16 AIS Messages
You can send and receive messages via the VHF link, to a specified destination (MM-
SI) or all AIS-equipped ships within communication range of your ship. Messages can
be sent to warn of safety of navigation, for example, an iceberg sighted. Routine mes-
sages are also permitted. Short safety-related messages are only an additional means
to broadcast safety information. They do not remove the requirements of the GMDSS.
4.16.1 How to create and transmit a new AIS message
You can create and send an AIS message as follows:
1. Right-click the AIS mode indication then click [AIS Menu]
to show that menu.
2. Open the [8 TRANSMIT MESSAGE] menu.
3. At [1 ADDRESS TYPE], select [ADDRESSED] to send
the message to a specific AIS-equipped ship, or [BROAD-
CAST] to send the message to all AIS-equipped ships
within VHF communication range. For [ADDRESSED],
enter MMSI of ship at [3 MMSI No.].
4. At [2 MESSAGE TYPE], select [SAFETY] for safety mes-
sage, or [BINARY] for routine message.
No. Nav status No. Status
00 Underway using engine 08 Under way Sailing
01 At anchor 09 Reserved for high speed craft
02 Not under command 10 Reserved for wing in ground
03 Restricted Maneuverability 11 Reserved for future use
04 Constrained by her draft 12 Reserved for future use
05 Moored 13 Reserved for future use
06 Aground 14 AIS SART
07 Engaged in fishing 15 Not Defined