15.9.2 Usage characteristics, limitations
• The distance between points is shown to the hundredths decimal place up to 100
NM and to the tenths decimal place thereafter.
• A maximum of 50 points can be inserted, and the maximum measurable distance
between two points is 240.0 NM.
• The TTG value is rounded to the nearest decimal place. Therefore, the displayed
total TTG may not equal the sum of all the TTGs.
• The TTG is measurable to 99:00. If the TTG is higher, the TTG indication is
• The ship’s speed must be at least 0.5 kn to calculate TTG.
• The divider cannot be used in latitude higher than 85°.
15.9.3 How to deactivate and erase the divider
Get into the Voyage navigation or Voyage planning mode then
right-click the screen to show the context-sensitive menu. Se-
lect [Clear Divider].
Ship on center
Clear RADAR Info
Object INFO
Chart Legend
Manual Update
Clear Divider