2.36 SART
2.36.1 What is an SART?
A Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) may be triggered by any X-band (3 cm)
radar within a range of approximately 8 NM. Each radar pulse received causes it to
transmit a response which is swept repetitively across the complete radar frequency
2.36.2 How to receive an SART
This radar is equipped with a feature that optimally sets up the radar for SART detec-
tion. This feature automatically detunes the radar receiver out of its best tuning condi-
tion. This erases or weakens all normal radar echoes, but the SART marks are not
erased because the SART response signal scans over all frequencies in the 9 GHz
band. When the radar approaches the SART in operation, the SART marks will en-
large to large arcs, blurring a large part of the screen.
Note: For solid state radar, the SART function is not available.
1. Open the menu then select the [1 ECHO] menu.
2. Select [7 SART] (B type) or [6 SART] (IMO and A types).
3. Select [ON].
4. Close the menu. The icon "SART" appears in the indication area (see
paragraph 1.6.1) when the SART function is active.
When the SART is activated the radar controls are automatically set as follows.
Setting at activation
of SART feature
Adjustable during
activation of SART
Setting at deactivation
of SART feature
CONDITION Setting stored Yes Setting at deactivation
Grayed out, setting
No Return to active display
EAV OFF No Setting before activation
ES OFF No Setting before activation
GAIN Setting stored Yes Setting at deactivation
Radar antenna beamwidth
Screen A: When SART is distant
Screen B: When SART is close
Position of SART
24 NM
1.5 NM
Own ship position
Echo from SART
(Lines of 12 dots
are displayed in
concentric arcs.)
Own ship position
Position of SART
Echo from SART
(Lines of 12 dots
are displayed in
concentric arcs.)