5. At [4 CHANNEL], select the channel over which to broad-
cast your message. The choices are [A], [B], [A or B] or [A
and B].
6. Click [NEXT] to go to the next page.
7. Select [3 EDIT]. A text input box appears together with the
software keyboard. Use the software keyboard to enter
your message. The number of characters that may be en-
tered depends on message type, and the number of char-
acters available appears below the text box.
Safety message broadcast: 161 characters
Binary message broadcast: 156 characters
Safety message addressed to MMSI: 156 characters
Binary message addressed to MMSI: 151 characters
8. To save the file, select [2 SAVE FILE].
9. To transmit the message, click [4 TRANSMIT MESSAGE]. The confirmation mes-
sage "Attention: Do you wish to transmit AIS message?" appears. Click the [OK]
button to transmit the message.
The Alert 542 "AIS Transmitting" appears in the [Alert] box while the message is being
transmitted. If the message could not be transmitted, the Alert 541 "AIS Message
Transmit Error" appears.
4.16.2 How to transmit a saved AIS message
If you have saved some previously transmitted AIS messages, you can edit one and
send it as follows:
1. Right-click the AIS mode indication then click [AIS Menu] to show that menu.
2. Open the [8 TRANSMIT MESSAGE] menu.
3. Go to page 2 of the menu, select [1 OPEN FILE] then select the number of the
message to transmit.
4. Select [3 EDIT] to edit the message.
5. To save the message, select [2 SAVE FILE].
6. To transmit the message, select [4 TRANSMIT MESSAGE]. The confirmation
message "Attention: Do you wish to transmit AIS message?" appears. Click the
[OK] button to transmit the message.
4.16.3 How to display received AIS messages
When you receive an AIS message, the Alert 539 "AIS Message Received" appears.
To display the message, click the [AIS message]
button on the InstantAccess bar.
[AIS message]