7.13.2 How to view status of chart cells
The [Cell Status] dialog box shows the status of the chart cells stored in the system.
To show this dialog box, get into the Chart maintenance mode then click the [Cell Sta-
tus] button on the InstantAccess bar.
• [Type]: Type of chart cell, ENC or C-MAP.
• [Chart Name]: Chart name
• [Data Server]: The name of the data server where the chart was downloaded from.
• [Edition/Issued Date]: Edition no. and issued date of the chart cell.
• [Update: Num/Date]: No. and date of the update of the chart cell.
• [Updated]: [yes] is shown if the cell is up-to-date, [no] if the cell is not up-to-date,
[maybe] means the cell has not been updated from more than one month.
7.14 How to Open Charts
In the Chart maintenance mode, click the [Manage Charts] button on the
InstantAccess bar to display the dialog box shown below. Select the chart to open then
click the [Open Chart] button.