Use the Server Farm Application Migration wizard after placing a server with an
existing base of published applications into a farm for the first time or after
upgrading a pre-MetaFrame 1.8 server containing previously published
applications to MetaFrame 1.8.
The server (or servers, in the case of a load balanced application) containing
the published application(s) you want to migrate must already be a member of a
farm before you can migrate its published applications. See “Joining a Server
Farm” earlier in this chapter for information on how to join a server farm.
à To migrate a published application to a server farm
1. Make sure you are in the server farm management scope. (From the View
menu, click Select Scope. In the dialog box that appears, click the Within a
Citrix server farm radio button. In the Select a Citrix server farm pull-down
list, select the farm of which the server containing the published application to
migrate is a member.)
2. Make sure you are viewing the server that contains the published application
you want to migrate. (From the View menu, click Select Server. In the dialog
box that appears, select the server from the list and click OK. If the server does
not immediately appear in the list, click Refresh Server List.)
3. Select the published application in the main window and from the Application
menu, click Migrate, or right-click the published application and click
Migrate. The Server Farm Application Migration wizard appears. Click Help
in any screen of the wizard for additional help.
After migrating an application, you can edit the application’s properties to
configure Program Neighborhood connection properties and requirements. See
“Maintaining Published Applications” for information on changing a published
application’s properties.
You can change server farm membership for individual servers using the Change
Server Farm wizard. This wizard lets you move a server from its current farm to
an existing or new farm. You cannot remove a server from a farm altogether.
If the server whose membership you want to change has any load balanced
applications with other servers in its current farm, you must remove the server
from the list of servers configured for those applications before changing its
membership. See “Maintaining Published Applications” for information on
changing the list of servers configured to host the application.