GatewayIpx REG_MULTI_SZ Citrix server addresses
To set up an IPX gateway the remote IPX address (network:node) of a Citrix
server must be specified in this list.
When a master browser receives an update from a browser, it forwards the data
to all configured gateways on the same network protocol.
It does not matter which Citrix server the gateway address is configured on.
The same address can be configured on multiple Citrix servers.
GatewayTcp REG_MULTI_SZ Citrix server addresses
To set up a TCP/IP gateway, the remote IP address (or DNS name) of a Citrix
server must be specified in this list.
When a master browser receives an update from a browser, it forwards the data
to all configured gateways on the same network protocol.
It does not matter which Citrix server the gateway address is configured on.
The same address can be configured on multiple Citrix servers.
IsMasterBrowser REG_DWORD 0 - 1 (0 = default)
When this value is set to 1, it raises the browser’s priority during a master
browser election. As long as no other system has this value set, this system
becomes the master browser.
LoadLevelBoost REG_DWORD 0 to 0xffffffff (10 = default)
After a server is selected on a load balance request, LoadLevelBoost is added
to the load level of the server. When two servers have nearly identical loads,
this prevents the same server from being selected on the next request. This
boost is overwritten on the next browser data update.
LogFlush REG_DWORD 0 or 1 (0 = default)
When this value is set to 1, all log events are immediately written to disk as
they occur, without any buffering. This has a significant performance penalty
and should only be used for problem determination.