Some sample configurations and supported user counts (for typical and power
users) follow:
Pentium Pro 200MHz 128 32 16
Pentium Pro 200MHz 256 64 32
Dual-Processor Pentium Pro 200MHz 512 120 60
Besides the system processor and memory, the hard disk is an important factor in
system throughput. SCSI disk drives and adapters, especially Fast SCSI and SCSI-
2 compatible devices, have significantly better throughput than ST-506, IDE, or
ESDI disk drives and adapters.
For the highest disk performance, you may want to consider using a SCSI RAID
controller. RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) controllers
automatically place data on multiple disk drives and can increase disk
performance and improve data reliability. More information about RAID can be
found in the MetaFrame Solutions Guide.
The ICA protocol is highly compressed and causes negligible loading on a
network, but because the MetaFrame server handles all network requests, a high-
performance network interface card (NIC) is recommended.
If a multiport asynchronous communications adapter is installed for supporting
serial ICA connections, be sure to use an intelligent (microprocessor-based)
adapter to reduce interrupt overhead and increase throughput.
Windows NT is a Win32 (32-bit) environment and Windows 3.x for DOS is a
Win16 (16-bit) environment. Windows NT runs Win16 applications through a
process called WOW (Win16 on Win32), translating 16-bit applications in
enhanced mode. This process causes Win16 applications to consume additional
system resources, which reduces the number of users per processor by 20% and
increases the memory required per user by 25%. For this reason, Win32 versions
of applications should be used whenever possible. If you intend to run Win16
applications, adjust your processor and memory requirements accordingly.