Client COM port mapping allows a remote application running on the Citrix
server to access devices attached to COM ports on the client computer. Client
COM ports are not automatically mapped to server ports at logon, but can be
mapped manually using the net use or change client commands. See Appendix
A, “MetaFrame Command Reference,” for more information on the change client
For more information on client COM port mapping, see the Citrix ICA Client
Administrator’s Guides for the clients you plan to deploy.
Client audio mapping allows applications running on the Citrix server to play
sounds through a Sound Blaster Pro-compatible sound device on the client
computer. The MetaFrame server can control the amount of bandwidth used by
client audio mapping. Audio mapping is configured per-client and per-connection
in the ICA Settings dialog box.
For more information on using client audio mapping, see the Citrix ICA Client
Administrator’s Guides for the clients you plan to deploy.
Citrix Server Administration is an enhanced version of the Terminal Server
Administration tool. Citrix Server Administration provides cross-server
functionality, allowing you to monitor an entire enterprise from a single location.
Use Citrix Server Administration to monitor sessions, users, processes, and
published applications on multiple servers. You can:
View information about servers, published applications, domains, and users
Log users off, disconnect users, and reconnect sessions
Shadow user sessions on the same server or on another Citrix server
Reset connections and terminate processes
Send messages to users
Configure ICA Browsers and ICA Getaways