LogMask REG_DWORD 0 - 0xffffffff (0 = default)
Specifies a bit mask for logging debug information. After changing this value,
stop and start the ICA Browser to start logging to the file
%systemRoot%\Ibrowser.log. The bit mask values are:
Bit Mask Description
0x00000001 browser initialization
0x00000002 browser elections
0x00000004 browser updates
0x00000008 gateway updates
0x00000010 client requests
0x00000020 reads and writes
0x00000040 reads and writes data
0x00000080 database updates
0x00000100 browser data
0x00000200 load balancing
0x10000000 timers
0x20000000 semaphores
LogToDebugger REG_DWORD 0 - 1 (0 = default)
Specifies that logging messages should be written to the kernel debugger in
addition to the log file.
MasterDeclareTime REG_DWORD 0 - 0xffffffff seconds (3600 = default)
Indicates how frequently the master browser broadcasts a master declare. A
master declare is used to detect multiple master browsers on the same network.
If a master browser ever receives this packet from another browser, it forces an
election to get rid of the extra master browser. This value can be set to zero to
disable master browser declares.
NotMasterBrowser REG_DWORD 0 or 1 (0 = default)
When this value is set to 1, it lowers the browser’s priority during a master
browser election. This prevents this browser from becoming the master
PingAddressTime REG_DWORD 0 to 0xffffffff seconds (5 = default)
Specifies the time a browser waits, after sending a ping request, for a ping
reply. If no ping reply is received, the browser tries to send the update again.
The browser uses pings to verify a server still exists before returning the
address of a server to the client.