In addition to specifying the alternate address on the Citrix server, the ICA Client
must be configured to request the alternate address when contacting the master
ICA Browser. For information on configuring ICA Clients to request the alternate
address, see the Citrix ICA Client Administrator’s Guides for the clients you plan
to deploy.
This section provides some tips and troubleshooting information for Citrix servers.
Citrix servers load only one instance of an executable image. The executable code
is shared by every session running that application. If an application is loaded
from a remote network drive and a network error occurs, the operating system
assumes that the executable image is corrupt and does not allow further access to
the application. All users must close the application and logout to restore access to
the application.
To prevent applications from becoming unavailable due to network errors, make
sure you install applications on a local disk.
If an ICA session over TCP/IP is interrupted due to a network error, TCP/IP can
take a long time before detecting that the network connection has dropped.
Until TCP/IP times out, the session remains in an active state and the user cannot
reconnect to it. You can work around this problem by setting an idle timeout on
the TCP/IP ICA connection using Citrix Connection Configuration.
See the Citrix Connection Configuration online help for instructions.