sample answer file 24
scopes of management
introduction 70
NT domains scope 77
server farms scope 70
trust relationships 71
MetaFrame security tools 100
using ACLSET to secure the file system 100
using the Application Execution Shell (APP) 101
Security Audit Utility (ACLCHECK) 106
Security Audit Utility (QUERY ACL) 121
security considerations, application publishing 86
sending messages to users 55
Serial port support 132
server drive reassignment 14
server farms
changing farm membership 78
configuring 77
creating a new farm 79
example arrangements 73
multiple-domain farm 75
single-domain farm 74
single-server farm 73
when to create multiple farms 75
ICA Gateways 76
introduction 68
joining 77
migrating applications to a server farm 77
scopes of management 70
NT domains scope 77
server farms scope 70
subnets 76
trust relationships 71
server-based computing xi
how it works xii
Set Default Security ACLs (ACLSET) 108
Set the Number of Client Printer Pipes (CLTPRINT) 117
see installing MetaFrame 13
configuring session shadowing 45
shadowing a user’s session 56
single-server farm 73
Specify Alternate Server IP Address (ALTADDR) 109
subnets 76
ICA gateways 62
System requirements 128
system sizing 9
16-bit versus 32-bit applications 10
other peripherals 10
processor, bus architecture, and memory requirements 9
systems management xiv
TCP/IP port number
configuring (ICAPORT) 118
terminating processes 58
BIOS setup 134
general guidelines 134
installation problems 134
IRQ conflicts 135
Maxspeed base address conflicts 135
Windows logon screen not displaying 135
trust relationships 71
tuning load balancing parameters 95
Uninstalling DirectICA 130
upgrading to MetaFrame 16
user profiles, Terminal Server and W
using ACLSET to secure the file system 100
using ICA with network firewalls 102
using performance monitoring tools 11
configuring 59
videos, publishing 88
View Citrix Licenses (QUERY LICENSE) 123
View Citrix Servers (QUERY SERVER) 124
viewing a W
INFRAME license disk 32
welcome to Citrix MetaFrame xi
Who Should Use this Manual xvi
Windows NT Server, Terminal Server Edition
Finding Information About xix
INFRAME license disk
viewing 32
workgroup servers in server farms 73