Altaddr is used to query and set the alternate (external) IP address that a
MetaFrame server returns to clients who request it. The alternate address is an
external address used by Citrix ICA Clients outside a firewall.
Specifies the Citrix server on which to set an alternate address; otherwise the
current Citrix server is used.
Sets alternate TCP/IP addresses. If adapteraddress is specified,
alternateaddress is assigned only to the network adapter with that IP address.
Deletes all alternate addresses on the specified server. If adapteraddress is
specified, deletes only the alternate address for that adapter.
/v (verbose)
Displays information about the actions being performed.
Displays the syntax for the utility and information about the utility’s options.
Example 2: Set the alternate address to for the current server on the
network interface card with adapteraddress
altaddr [/server:servername] [/set alternateaddress] [/v]
altaddr [/server:servername] [/set adapteraddress alternateaddress] [/v]
altaddr [/server:servername] [/delete] [/v]
altaddr [/server:servername] [/delete adapteraddress] [/v]
altaddr [/?]
Example 1: Set the alternate address to for the current server: