If an application published on the Citrix server can be accessed by guest-level
users, the application can be configured (using Published Application Manager) to
allow access by anonymous users. When a user starts an anonymous application,
the Citrix server does not require an explicit user name and password to log the
user onto the server, but selects a user from a pool of anonymous users who are
not currently logged on.
Anonymous user accounts are granted minimal ICA session permissions.
Anonymous user ICA connection permissions include the following properties
that differ from standard ICA session permissions for the default user:
Ten minute idle (no user activity) timeout
Logged off on broken connection or timeout
u No password is required
u User cannot change password
Anonymous user accounts do not have a persistent identity; no user information is
retained when an anonymous user session ends. Any desktop settings, user-
specific files, or other resources created or configured by the ICA Client user are
discarded at the end of the ICA session.
Anonymous users are not supported on a Citrix server configured as a
primary or backup domain controller.
The 15 anonymous user accounts created during MetaFrame installation usually
do not require any further maintenance but their properties can be modified using
User Manager for Domains.
If you install additional user licenses, anonymous users are not automatically
created. Adding anonymous users is simply a matter of creating new users and
assigning them to the Anonymous group. For security reasons, these user accounts
should not belong to any other groups. The easiest way to create additional
anonymous users is to copy an existing anonymous user account.
à To add anonymous users
1. Run User Manager for Domains: on the MetaFrame desktop, click Start, point
to Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and click User Manager for
2. In the User menu, click Select Domain.
3. Enter the computer name of the Citrix server in Domain and click OK.
4. Select an existing anonymous user.