Before publishing a video, you must encode the video using the Citrix
VideoFrame Encoder and then copy the video (.avi) file to a VideoFrame server.
à To publish a video
1. Use the standard application publishing wizard to publish a video. (From the
Application menu, click New.) If you are viewing more than one server when
you start the wizard, you are asked to select a default server for the video.
Select any server in the farm or domain.
2. Proceed through the wizard as usual until you reach the Define the
Application screen. In the Command Line field, enter the full path and file
name of the Citrix Video Information (.cvi) file for the video. You can type a
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) name or network drive and full path or
click Browse to locate the server that contains the .cvi file. In the Choose
Application dialog box that appears, select VideoFrame Information files
from the Files of type list box and then locate and select the .cvi file.
3. Proceed through the remainder of the wizard as usual.
In order to use Published Application Manager to deploy an application to your
Citrix servers, you must install Citrix IMS components on your network and use
them to package the application for deployment. For more information on Citrix
Installation Management Services, see the Citrix Installation Management
Services Administrator’s Guide.
Before publishing a packaged application, make sure the IMS script and package
for the application are stored in the same directory on your file server and that the
file server is accessible to all Citrix servers running Installation Management
à To publish a Citrix IMS application
1. Use the standard application publishing wizard to publish an IMS application.
(From the Application menu, click New.) When you start the wizard, you are
asked to select a default server for the application if you are currently viewing
more than one server. Select any server in the farm or domain and proceed.
2. Proceed through the wizard as usual until you reach the Define the
Application screen. In the Command Line field, enter the full path and file
name of the IMS script for the application you want to install on your Citrix
servers (IMS scripts have a .wfs file extension).