The shadowing session must be capable of supporting the video resolution used by
the shadowed session. If the shadowing session does not support the required
video resolution, the operation fails.
You cannot shadow the system console from another session. You cannot use
Citrix Server Administration to shadow other sessions from the system console.
To shadow sessions from the system console, use the Shadow Taskbar.
You can reset a session in case of an error. Resetting the session terminates all
processes running on that session. Resetting a session may cause applications to
close without saving data.
If you reset the special Listen session, all sessions for that connection are reset.
To monitor the status of a session, select the session and click Status on the
Action menu.
The Status of… dialog box displays information about the session and connection
By default, Citrix Server Administration updates I/O Status information every
second. You can change the refresh rate by clicking Preferences on the Options
menu. If Status Dialogs Refresh in the Preferences dialog box is set to Refresh
Manually, you can refresh to connection statistics by clicking Refresh Now.
Click Reset Counters to zero the I/O Status counters.