Use Citrix Licensing to:
Add and remove Citrix base and server extension licenses
Activate installed licenses
u Pool user licenses across servers
Restrict user licenses to a single server
For more information on using the Citrix Licensing utility, see Chapter 3, “Citrix
Citrix Server Administration is an enhanced version of the Terminal Server
Administration tool.
Use Citrix Server Administration to monitor sessions, users, processes, and
published applications on multiple Citrix servers. You can:
View information about all Citrix servers, Terminal Servers, published
applications, domains, and users
Log users off, disconnect users, and reconnect sessions on the same server or
on another Citrix server
Shadow user sessions on the same server or on another Citrix server
Reset connections and terminate processes on the same server or on another
Citrix server
Send messages to users on the same server or on another Citrix server
Configure ICA Browsers and ICA Getaways
For more information on Citrix Server Administration, see “Managing and
Monitoring MetaFrame,” later in this chapter.
Use ICA Client Creator to create disks you can use to install the Citrix ICA Client
and the ICA File Editor on a wide range of client devices.
For more information on using the ICA Client Creator, see the Citrix ICA Client
Administrator’s Guides for the clients you plan to deploy.