If you do not add your servers to a Citrix server farm, Published Application
Manager functions in the Windows NT domains scope of management. In this
scope, the applications you publish do not support Program Neighborhood
The Windows NT domains scope exists for backward compatibility and
interoperability with existing W
INFRAME 1.7 and MetaFrame 1.0 installations.
Setting up a server farm requires little configuration. Published Application
Manager includes a wizard that lets you individually enter servers into a farm.
Once you place your server(s) in a farm, you do not have to perform any
additional administrative duties related to administering the farm structure itself.
If a Citrix server is not a member of a farm, you can add it to a farm at any time.
à To join a server farm
1. Start Published Application Manager on the computer you want to enter into a
server farm. You can run Published Application Manager from the console or
in an ICA session on the server.
2. From the Configure menu, click Join Server Farm.
3. The Join Citrix Server Farm wizard appears. Click Help in any screen of the
wizard for additional help.
If you published applications on the server before putting it in a server farm, see
“Migrating Applications to a Server Farm” below for information on converting
those applications to server farm applications.
Applications created under the Windows NT domains management scope do not
have Program Neighborhood capabilities. You can use the Server Farm
Application Migration wizard to convert Windows NT domains published
applications into server farm published applications. Migrating an application into
a server farm makes the application Program Neighborhood-capable. After
migrating an application, you can edit the application’s properties to configure
Program Neighborhood functions.