The ICA Browser system elects a master browser under the following conditions:
The current master browser does not respond to another ICA Browser
The current master browser does not respond to an ICA client
A Citrix server is started
Two master browsers are detected on the same network subnet
A set of election criteria is used to choose a master browser. An ICA Browser
starts a browser election by broadcasting its election criteria. If another browser
has a higher election criteria, it broadcasts its own election criteria. Otherwise, the
last ICA Browser to respond to the election becomes the master browser.
Five criteria, in order, are used to elect a master browser:
1. The version number of the ICA Browser (most recent gets precedents)
2. Configured as the master browser with Citrix Server Administration (or the
registry key that specifies master browser status)
3. The Citrix server is also a Windows NT domain controller
4. The length of time the ICA Browser has been running
5. The computername of the Citrix server
For example, a Citrix server has been running two hours longer than a second
Citrix server. If the second server is running a later version of the ICA Browser
service, the second server wins the master browser election.
The master ICA Browser election criteria has changed in this release.
The version number of the ICA Browser is the highest criteria and overrides an
ICA Browser specifically configured in the registry as the master ICA Browser.
If you have designated a fixed (hard-coded) master ICA Browser in an existing
Citrix server farm, install MetaFrame 1.8 on the master ICA Browser machine
first. If you install MetaFrame 1.8 on another server first, that server will become
the master ICA Browser.
The Citrix Server Administration option that prevents a MetaFrame 1.8 server
from becoming the master ICA Browser also disables certain MetaFrame 1.8