à To adjust advanced load balance parameters
1. Click on the servername in the left panel and then click the Advanced tab.
2. Set the importance factor for each load balancing parameter.
3. Click Save.
4. Repeat for each server in the farm.
Use Load Balancing Administration to adjust six factors that influence the
calculation of the overall server load. Each factor can be given a relative
importance that controls how much influence that factor has when calculating total
load. An overall adjustment further raises or lowers a server’s load calculation.
The factors are:
User Load. The ratio of the current number of users to the smaller of:
The total number of local plus pooled user counts on the network.
The maximum number of users the system can support.
The maximum number of users the system can support is the smaller of:
The number of ICA connections per protocol. By default, the number
of ICA connections for each protocol is unlimited on MetaFrame
servers and two on W
INFRAME servers.
A user definable number. By default, the user definable number is
simply an arbitrarily large number.