ICA Browser Management. With ICA Browser management, part of the
enhancements to Citrix Server Administration, administrators now have the
ability to control browser parameters such as backup ICA Browsers, ICA
Gateways, and update and refresh intervals. Administrators can also configure
which servers always attempt to become the master ICA Browser.
ICA Browser management simplifies browser administration through an
intuitive user interface for better system scaling and management.
License Pool Recovery. Citrix has introduced a new backup licensing feature
to better manage pooled licenses across the server farm. With this feature, you
can define the number of backup servers to which user licensing data is
This new addition to Citrix license pooling provides a greater level of fault
tolerance across multiple Citrix servers.
Client Device Licensing. This new feature allows a user to establish multiple
sessions to multiple servers while consuming only a single pooled license for
each session.
Client device licensing reduces IT organizations’ total cost of ownership
(TCO) by providing seamless access to multiple applications across multiple
servers, without incurring additional licensing costs.
The Citrix ICA Clients allow users to connect to Citrix servers and access
applications. This manual gives you instructions for configuring MetaFrame
servers. For detailed instructions on installing and configuring Citrix ICA Clients,
see the Citrix ICA Client Administrator’s Guides for the clients you plan to
Versions of the Citrix ICA Client are provided for many popular computing
platforms, including:
The Citrix ICA Client for DOS. Use this client for DOS 3.3 or later. There are
two versions of the ICA DOS Client, 16-bit and 32-bit. The 32-bit version
provides more features than the 16-bit version, while requiring less
conventional memory.
The Citrix ICA Client for Win16. Use this client for Windows Version 3.1 or
Windows for Workgroups 3.11. This version of the ICA Client is also
supported on OS/2 Version 2.1, OS/2 Warp Connect Version 3.0, and OS/2
Warp Version 4.0.
The Citrix ICA Client for Win32. Use this client for Windows NT 3.51,
Windows NT 4.0, MetaFrame, W
INFRAME, and Windows 95/98.