LS 3070 Product Reference Guide: Programming
Set Transmission Frequency
Use this parameter to set an initial transmission frequency to avoid
interference on the default channel (channel 50). During operation, the
transmission channel changes automatically whenever interference is
encountered 80% of the time or more over a continuous five-minute period.
The selected frequency channel must be between 01 and 82.
Wait for Host Interface Response Time
The wait for host interface response timeout is the amount of time it takes for
the base to communicate with the host interface and the base to send an
acknowledgment back to the scanner. The amount of time required varies with
the host device.
Based on the installed interface type, the scanning system automatically
calculates a wait or timeout duration for host response. Under normal operating
conditions, there should be no need to program a wait for host response timeout value.
However, use this parameter when the interface’s data stream carries an additional
ADF pause duration. The more pause duration added to the data stream, the
longer the wait for host response timeout needs to be. Typically, most interfaces
timeout in an average of three seconds. If a pause duration is added, this may
cause RF communications errors (6 beeps); increase the host wait response
timeout to eliminate RF communication errors. Just start by programming at
least a 5-second timeout. If errors continue, increment the wait for host
response timeout until the RF communications errors stop occurring.
Wait for host response timeout values vary from 1 second to 99 seconds. After
scanning the Wait for Host Interface Response Time bar code, scan two
number keypad bar codes for the two-digit response time (in seconds). If you
program a value of zero, there will be an automatic calculation of the host wait
response timeout value, based on the selected host interface type.