John Deere Products & Services D100 Lawn Mower User Manual

CAUTION: Components are installed under spring tension.
Wear eye protection and use proper tools when installing and
removing components with spring tension.
4. Remove snap ring (D) from end of axle.
5. Remove washer (E) and wheel from axle.
CAUTION: Explosive separation of tire and rim parts is
possible when they are serviced incorrectly:
DDoo nnoott aatttteemmpptt ttoo mmoouunntt aattiirree wwiitthhoouutttthhee pprrooppeerr eeqquuiippmmeenntt
aanndd eexxppeerriieennccee ttoo ppeerrffoorrmm tthhee jjoobb..
6. Take wheel assembly to an authorized service dealer for repairs.
1. Grease spindles and wheel hub grease ttings with specied grease.
2. Install wheel and washer (E) on axle.
3. Install snap ring (D).
4. Install plastic cap (C).
5. Safely remove jack stands and lower machine.
Removing and Installing Rear Wheel
1. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
CAUTION: The machine can fall or slip from an unsafe lifting
device or supports.
UUssee aa ssaaffee lliiffttiinngg ddeevviiccee rraatteedd ffoorr tthhee llooaadd ttoo bbee lliifftteedd..
LLoowweerr mmaacchhiinnee oonnttoo jjaacckk ssttaannddss oorr ootthheerr ssttaabbllee ssuuppppoorrttss
aanndd bblloocckk wwhheeeellss bbeeffoorree sseerrvviicciinngg..
IMPORTANT: Place jack stands under frame, not under
transmission or engine,when raising or supporting machine.
2. Safely lift and support machine. Place safe lifting device under
transmission centered under machine frame point (A). Place jack
stands or other stable supports on each side (B) where mounting
bolts for frame come through. Block wheels remaining on the ground
to prevent machine movement.
3. Remove plastic cap (C), snap ring (D), and washer (E).
4. Remove wheel.
IMPORTANT: Do not lose the shaft key. Key must be installed for
wheels to rotate and tractor to move.
5. Remove shaft key (F) (shown on end of transmission shaft), two
washers (G), except for model D105, and spacer (H).
CAUTION: Explosive separation of tire and rim parts is
possible when they are serviced incorrectly:
DDoo nnoott aatttteemmpptt ttoo mmoouunntt aattiirree wwiitthhoouutt tthheepprrooppeerr eeqquuiippmmeenntt
aanndd eexxppeerriieennccee ttoo ppeerrffoorrmm tthhee jjoobb..
6. Take wheel assembly to an authorized service dealer for repairs.
Service Miscellaneous