John Deere Products & Services D100 Lawn Mower User Manual

12. Start and run engine at idle to check for leaks. Stop engine. Fix any
leaks before operating.
13. Check oil level. Add oil if necessary.
14. Install closeout panels and lower hood.
Cleaning Air Intake Screen and Engine Fins
CAUTION: Compressed air can cause debris to y a long
CClleeaarr wwoorrkk aarreeaa ooff bbyyssttaannddeerrss..
WWeeaarr eeyyee pprrootteeccttiioonn wwhheenn uussiinngg ccoommpprreesssseedd aaiirr ffoorr
cclleeaanniinngg ppuurrppoosseess..
RReedduuccee ccoommpprreesssseedd aaiirr pprreessssuurree ttoo 221100 kkPPaa ((3300 ppssii))..
IMPORTANT: An obstructed air intake screen can cause engine
damage due to overheating. Keep air intake screen and other
external surfaces of the engine, including cooling ns, clean
at all times to allow adequate air intake.
1. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
2. Lift hood.
Twin cylinder engine shown
3. Clean air intake screen (A), cooling ns and external surfaces with
rag, brush, vacuum or compressed air.
4. Lower hood.
Checking and Cleaning Air Cleaner Elements
(D105 and D110)
1. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
2. Let engine cool.
3. Lift hood.
4. Clean dirt and debris from the air cleaner cover.
5. Lift latch (A) to unlock cover (B). Lift cover forward and remove.
IMPORTANT: Dirt and debris can enter the engine through a
damaged lter element:
DDoo nnoott wwaasshh ppaappeerr eelleemmeenntt..
DDoo nnoott aatttteemmpptt ttoo cclleeaann ppaappeerr eelleemmeenntt bbyy ttaappppiinngg aaggaaiinnsstt
aannootthheerr oobbjjeecctt..
DDoo nnoott uussee pprreessssuurriizzeedd aaiirr ttoo cclleeaann eelleemmeenntt..
RReeppllaaccee eelleemmeenntt oonnllyy iiff iitt iiss vveerryy ddiirrttyy,, ddaammaaggeedd oorr tthhee
sseeaall iiss ccrraacckkeedd..
6. Inspect the paper lter element (C) without removing it. If the paper
lter element is damaged or dirty, replace with new lter:
Clean air cleaner base very carefully, preventing any dirt from
falling into carburetor.
Carefully pull the paper element from the air cleaner elbow (D).
Install new paper lter element back onto air cleaner elbow.
7. Install air cleaner cover and push latch down to lock.
8. Lower hood.
Checking and Cleaning Air Cleaner Elements
(D125, D130 and D140)
1. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
2. Let engine cool.
3. Lift hood.
4. Clean dirt and debris from the air cleaner cover.
Service Engine