John Deere Products & Services D100 Lawn Mower User Manual

1. Slide right side hood pivot into tractor bracket with hood in open
position (left side pivot will slide into place as hood closes) and slowly
close hood.
2. Connect wiring harness.
3. Close hood.
Cleaning Plastic Surfaces
IMPORTANT: Improper care of machine plastic surfaces can
damage that surface:
DDoo nnoott wwiippee ppllaassttiicc ssuurrffaacceess wwhheenn tthheeyyaarree ddrryy.. DDrryy wwiippiinngg
wwiillll rreessuulltt iinn mmiinnoorr ssuurrffaaccee ssccrraattcchheess..
UUssee aa ssoofftt,, cclleeaann ccllootthh ((bbaatthh ttoowweell,, ddiiaappeerr,, aauuttoommoottiivvee
DDoo nnoott uussee aabbrraassiivvee mmaatteerriiaallss,, ssuucchh aass ppoolliisshhiinngg
ccoommppoouunnddss,, oonn ppllaassttiicc ssuurrffaacceess..
1. Rinse hood and entire machine with clean water to remove dirt and
dust that may scratch the surface.
2. Wash surface with clean water and a mild liquid automotive washing
IMPORTANT: Insect repellent spray may damage plastic and painted
surfaces. Do not spray insect repellent near machine.
3. Dry thoroughly to avoid water spots.
4. Wax the surface with a liquid automotive wax. Use products that
specically say “contains no abrasives.”
IMPORTANT: Do not use a power buffer to remove wax.
5. Buff applied wax by hand using a clean, soft cloth.
Cleaning and Repairing Metal Surfaces
Follow automotive practices to care for your vehicle painted metal
surfaces. Use a high-quality automotive wax regularly to maintain the
factory look of your vehicle’s painted surfaces.
Repairing Minor Scratches (surface scratch):
1. Clean area to be repaired thoroughly.
IMPORTANT: Do not use rubbing compound on painted surfaces.
2. Use automotive polishing compound to remove surface scratches.
3. Apply wax to entire surface.
Repairing Deep Scratches (bare metal or primer showing):
1. Clean area to be repaired with rubbing alcohol or mineral spirits.
2. Use paint stick with factory-matched colors available from your
authorized dealer to ll scratches. Follow directions included on paint
stick for use and for drying.
3. Smooth out surface using an automotive polishing compound.Do not
use power buffer.
4. Apply wax to surface.
Removing and Installing Front Wheel
1. Park machine safely. (See Parking Safely in the SAFETY section.)
CAUTION: The machine can fall or slip from an unsafe lifting
device or supports.
UUssee aa ssaaffee lliiffttiinngg ddeevviiccee rraatteedd ffoorr tthhee llooaadd ttoo bbee lliifftteedd..
LLoowweerr mmaacchhiinnee oonnttoo jjaacckk ssttaannddss oorr ootthheerr ssttaabbllee ssuuppppoorrttss
aanndd bblloocckk wwhheeeellss bbeeffoorree sseerrvviicciinngg..
IMPORTANT: Place jack stands under frame, not under
transmission or engine, when raisingor supporting machine.
2. Safely lift and support machine. Place safe lifting device under end of
front hanger bracket at location (A), and place jack stands or other
stable supports under frame on each side at location (B). Block
wheels remaining on the ground to prevent machine movement.
3. Remove plastic cap (C) from end of wheel hub.
Service Miscellaneous